Attendance Policy
Students should be in school every day; a missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn. The primary rationale for student attendance is the relationship between student attendance and student achievement. The general policy of the school district on Student Attendance is Policy 503.
A child under the age of 17 is considered “habitually truant” if they are absent from school without a lawful excuse for seven (7) school days per school year. Parental notification is required by Minnesota statute and schools may report to Child in Need of Protection services through the county.
Parents/guardians must contact the school to report absences. An attendance voicemail telephone line is available to report attendance at
In accordance with the Minnesota Compulsory Instruction Law, Minnesota Statute 120A.22, the students of the school district are required to attend all assigned classes and/or study halls every day school is in session, unless the student has completed the studies ordinarily required to graduate from high school, has withdrawn, or has a valid excuse for absence.
The administration must follow the regulations of the Minnesota Compulsory Instruction Law, Minnesota Statute 120A.22. Attendance is significantly related to school achievement. It is the responsibility of the student and parent to make good attendance a habit. The purpose of this policy is to encourage regular school attendance. It is intended to be positive and not punitive.
Following all absences from school, students must submit a note to the office (if the parent didn’t contact the attendance secretary by phone). If a student arrives to class less than ten minutes late, the teacher will mark the student tardy. If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late to school or a class, he/she must stop by the office for a pass to class.
Student’s Responsibility
It is the student’s obligation to be in school. It is the student’s responsibility to attend all assigned classes and study halls every day that school is in session and to be aware of and follow the correct procedures when absent from an assigned class. Finally, it is the student’s responsibility to request any missed assignments due to an absence.
Students must bring a note or request a parent/guardian to call to excuse all absences within two school days of the absence. Absences that are not cleared within two school days are recorded as an unexcused absence.
Follow the sign in/out procedure if leaving school during the day, arriving late, and returning. Students who fail to follow this procedure will be marked unexcused.
Parent/Guardian Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian to ensure the student is attending school, to inform the school in the event of a student absence, and to work cooperatively with the school and the student to solve any attendance problems that may arise. Parents should call to explain every absence on the day of the absence or send a note when the student returns to school. Absences that are not cleared within two school days are recorded as unexcused.
Types of Absences
School excused: Absences for school sponsored activities and events.
Excused: To be considered an excused absence, the student’s parent or legal guardian may be asked to verify, in writing, the reason for the student’s absence from school, and may request documentation in the event of excessive excused absences, a note from a physician or a licensed mental health professional stating that the student cannot attend school is a valid excuse.
Unexcused Absences: All absences not verified by a parent and all absences that do not meet excused criteria as set by Policy 503. The following are examples of unexcused absences: car trouble, over-sleeping, shopping, needed at home, leaving school without approval, babysitting, skipping, missing the bus, work, no call or note from parent/guardian verifying the absence, and personal (no reason given). Any other absence not included under the attendance policy will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Students that fail to bring a note or have a parent/guardian call within two school days of the absence will be marked unexcused for the day.
Tardy: A student is tardy to class if he/she is not in the room (or assigned area) when the bell rings.
Sports Attendance
A student must be in attendance in school to practice or play in a contest.
A student may miss one-half the school day for reasons acceptable to the Activities Office or administrator’s office and still participate.
If a student is absent and does not present an approved reason, they will not be allowed to participate on that day.
Due to an emergency situation at home, a student may be allowed to participate in a contest if it is approved by the activities director and the building administrator.
Attendance Consequences
Unexcused absence from class: If a student is unexcused (any absence that does not meet Policy 503 criteria) daily work missed cannot be made up. The student will receive a zero on the daily assignments. Cumulative tests or other cumulative work missed due to unexcused absences can be made up as per building policy within two school days, but may result in a reduced grade for the cumulative test or work. Students may be assigned detention or suspended due to attendance issues. The school has the right to verify any and all absences. The school will make the final determination if the absence is excused or unexcused.
Truancy report to county: If a student accumulates seven unexcused absences during a school year, a truancy report may be filed with the Isanti County Attorney’s Office. The probation officer and administrator will make this decision.
Excessive tardiness:
3 tardies in a class/per trimester = restricted lunch detention
6 tardies in a class/per trimester = detention (2 hours after school)
9 tardies in a class/per trimester =detention (4 hours after school)
12 tardies in a class/per trimester = in-school suspension
Attendance Law
Minnesota state law provides that every child between the ages of seven and eighteen shall attend a public or private school in each year during the entire time the public schools of the resident district are in session, unless excused from attendance by the district. Students seventeen to eighteen years old must attend school unless the parent has attended a meeting with the administrator or counselor and signed a withdrawal form.
Law for 18-Year Old Students
The Minnesota Statute MSA 120.06 reads as follows: The board of education of any school district shall provide free educational services to any person between the ages of 18 and 21 years and may require of that person adherence to rules and regulations applicable to students fewer than 18 years of age. This mandates that all students regardless of age must adhere to the policy of the school. For example: CIHS requires that students 18 years of age or older must provide parental verification for absences. It also means that no student, regardless of age, may use or possess tobacco products on school property.
Special Absence Situations
College and Vocational Visits: Seniors planning a college day must first participate in an interview with a career advisor and also a parent/guardian permission slip from the career center. The permission slip must be returned to the career center with a parent/guardian signature a full 24 hours before the absence. IMPORTANT: In order for the absence to be a school excused absence, each student must return written acknowledgement from the college visited within 24 hours of returning to the high school. Seniors are allowed two days for visiting colleges. College days may not be taken the last week of any term.
Sporting Event/Academic Activities Absence
When we have teams participating at state level competitions during the school day, a student may attend the competition and it will be a school excused absence if a student has a note from a parent or guardian granting permission.