Homework & Grades
The years you spend at Cambridge-Isanti High School are some of the most important years of your life. In all probability, you will never again have as many people helping and supporting your learning. We ask that you be good school citizens who represent yourself, your parents, and your school by committing to your academic program and demonstrating Respect, Compassion, Responsibility, Honesty, and Self-Discipline at all times.
Class Registration
Parents/Guardians are asked to work with their children in choosing classes. Classes should be selected based on graduation requirements, future goals, student ability, and class appropriateness. If a student inadvertently takes the same class twice, the student will only receive credit once. Students must register carefully to avoid this situation. Students are responsible for meeting all graduation requirements. View our current Registration Guide, here.
Repeat Course Policy
Students may repeat a course to improve their grade. It will be based on space availability. Procedure: Students wishing to retake a course must pick up a request form in the counseling office. The completed form must be submitted to the student’s counselor on the first day the student enters the class. The transcript will show the best grade earned in the class. The other entry for the class on the transcript will show RC in the grade column. The RC does not affect GPA calculations. Only one credit will be awarded for the class.
Credit Requirements
Students must register for five credits per trimester and a total of fifteen credits per year. Students will also be scheduled for a study hall or other non-academic assignment. A credit consists of a one hour trimester class meeting every school day for one trimester. To earn a credit in a class, a student must maintain regular attendance, complete required assignments and demonstrate mastery of major objectives through appropriate assessments.
Schedule Adjustments
Class registrations are considered permanent when school begins.
Reasons for initiating schedule adjustments:
A student being ill-suited for a class (as determined by classroom teacher and counselor))
A lack of class prerequisite
Adding a failed required course not already rescheduled
Adding elective classes to increase credits (other classes may not be switched)
Policy for Schedule Adjustments:
Any student who needs a schedule adjustment must have the approval of the teacher, counselor and parent/guardian.
Any student who drops a trimester class may receive a failing grade.
The teacher and the counselor will have the final determination of the student’s grade at the time of withdrawal, based on the student’s current status in the class.
Students who withdraw from a year-long course after two weeks will receive a failing grade and no credit on their transcript. This policy also applies to post-secondary enrollment options (PSEO) and College in the Schools (CIS) courses.
When necessary, changes will be made for special programs such as on the job training or special education programs.
Grade Reports
High school grade reports are posted to Skyward’s Family Access after each trimester. Parents are highly encouraged to update their email address at the start of every school year to receive this valuable information.
Fifty-two credits are required for graduation. The principal has the final determination on credits and graduation eligibility. Each student is responsible for earning the necessary credits and meeting graduation requirements. A senior must register a full schedule and maintain full-time status. Students may be removed from graduation exercises if they fail a necessary class or for discipline reasons leading up to and including the date of graduation.
Seniors with failing grades in courses needed to meet graduation requirements have until their last day of school to earn the credit(s). However, a determination (for practice and program deadlines) will be made the week prior to practice. Students must also meet all state mandated graduation requirements. These requirements will be explained to students and parents as students progress through high school.
Honors Requirements
Honors status is based on a student’s academic standing at the end of the second trimester of his/her senior year. Those students eligible for class rank with an unweighted grade-point average (GPA) of 3.33 to 3.66 will graduate with “Honors.” Students eligible for class rank with unweighted averages of 3.67 or higher will graduate with “Distinction.” You need to be a full-time student at CIHS to receive these honors. Courses taken under the post-secondary enrollment option (PSEO) program are counted under our GPA ranking.
Hybrid Courses
Cambridge-Isanti High School is thrilled to offer students Hybrid Learning opportunities. A hybrid course combines the best of online learning and instruction, with face to face (traditional) learning and instruction. In a hybrid course, students will have a blend of on-campus, in class instruction, with online learning/non-classroom days of instruction. Hybrid courses are a great way to develop the academic responsibility, independent learning, and self-advocacy skills that will be required in our students’ futures. The expectations and workload will not diminish as a result of this change.
During non-classroom learning days, students will be expected to complete assignments and engage in activities related to class. Students will also be asked to engage in online discussions, online collaboration with peers, teacher conferencing, and/or other communicated tasks from the course instructor. Teachers will be available, in their classroom, during the assigned hour of the hybrid/blended learning course for support and guidance. Students may also communicate electronically with their course instructor during non-classroom learning days.
Students may use one of the identified learning spaces available to students for non-classroom learning days. Students may also work in the teacher's classroom in which they are assigned to for the given course.
Hybrid courses will meet face-to-face approximately 50% of the time. The instructor will decide the calendar for the course and students will report whenever the teacher requires face-to-face attendance. In many cases the course will meet every day for the first several weeks of the semester and then reduce to a modified meeting schedule. The teacher will determine how often the class will meet face-to-face versus non-classroom requirements. This may vary from course to course.
Incomplete Grades
For determining honor roll, graduation honors, and Cambridge-Isanti High School academic eligibility requirements, all incomplete grades will be assigned a value of 0.00 (F) in determining grade-point averages. When these incompletes are satisfied and a new grade is entered on the records, a new GPA will be determined. The student is responsible for completing all work. Amy Pinto shall be notified by a written statement from the instructor on grade changes two weeks from the end of the trimester.